So this week has had a lot of ups and downs, I recently fell out with a friend and have felt like I had to block them. So i've been a little hurt and moody haha. So today I really didn't feel like writing but I know it makes me happy. Through all of this I have been listening to my favourite album during my childhood. So I thought I would talk about this album in full as it brings back loads of good memories and I just like listening to it when I'm moody haha.
The first song on the album is Losing Grip. You can definitely tell this album is from 2002. The beat of the tune and the instrumental is screaming 2000's, this mixed with the grungieness (is that a word, It is now haha) of Avril's style. This song is about being cheated on from what I can see. The lyrics that get to me when i'm angry are 'why do I care, you weren't there when I was scared' and 'You, you need to listen'. No matter the situation the chorus always feels perfect for getting the pent up feelings out. The way it fade's out at 2.32 makes it feel like she's putting on a facade to hide her feelings from the person.
The next one is one that I remember always being on music channels. It's time for Complicated. I love all of this album, but obviously this has a special place in my heart. This song really helped me to realise that when I grew up, I wanted to be who I wanted to be and not worry about how others thought of how I dressed. From a young age kids told me I couldn't be a goth because I was too happy, so this taught me not to listen to those people. 'I like you the way you are' makes me think of all the people that change to make themselves normal or be popular and lose themselves in the process. When I was having my argument with my friend honestly I kinda wanted to quote the chorus. I guess it hits because my situation is like you used to be really nice etc. what changed and the song is about her friend changing and she wants things to be the way they were. Honestly an iconic song. I feel like i'm not really talking about the songs for these. The calmness of this song really shows her talents, then when it builds up to the choruses the mood becomes more heavy and angry. I love the different parts of this song, the lyrics hit hard for a lot of people but the beat is just really catchy.
Then the song that introduced me, and many others to Avril. I remember the first time I saw the music video for Sk8r Boi and I thought it was amazing. I thought Avril looked so cool, and I wanted to be her. Every summer holiday I would put in my Barbie CD and it had this on. I would play it over and over, whilst dancing on my bed. It is so catchy. The tune, the lyrics, the song is just iconic. I love it so much. 'He was a sk8r boi, she said see ya later boy', probably why when I was a kid I wanted to date a skater boy to be honest. I love this song because it talks about how important it is to look inside the person and not just look at their outside appearance or clothes. I always thought it important to love someone for what's inside rather than outside, so this song definitely helped with that.
Next is one of her sadder songs, I'm With You. The video and song will always stick with me, it was a little haunting to me. I loved this song as a kid but I don't think I could truly appreciate the lyrics till later. Feeling lost and alone, but wanting someone to make you feel less lonely in all that confusion. 'Is anybody here I know [....] nobody likes to be alone' these lyrics will always hit hard. I am personally lucky and have only really experienced loneliness once, but it was horrible. I think the lyrics are really important as they express an existentialism that a lot of people feel. I love how towards the end of the song builds up to higher notes and it makes it sound like she has finally found hope again.
Mobile is next, this is probably my favourite song on the album. It has a really happy beat to the song, it makes you want to dance and live your life. The lyrics tell me that she's trying to make her life better, even if that means she has to continually keep moving around. She has to turn her back on everything so that she can live her life. 'Everything's changing, when I turn around all out of my control i'm a mobile', this is one of the songs I have to listen to when I feel good, I often find myself skipping down the street when I listen to it haha. If you need cheering up this is definitely the one on the album for you.
Back to the anger. Unwanted is probably the angriest song on the album. It is so dark and moody. I would hate to be the person she wrote this about, because she is clearly extremely angry at them. 'You don't know me, don't ignore me' this again is kinda reflecting how I feel at the moment, like the person wasn't willing to listen so I gave up. 'I wanted to know you' shows that she has tried to understand this person and become friends with them, but it just didn't work. This song is definitely in the grunge genre in my opinion. I love this album as it shows how versatile Avril is in music.
Tomorrow is yet again a sadder song. I love this, it's more acoustic than the other pieces. It is mainly just her voice and the guitar. I literally have chills listening to this song. It feels like she is numb to the whole situation she is singing about. 'I don't know how i'll feel tomorrow' she's saying she wants to deal with it all a different time. 'Leave me alone a little while' shows that she's trying to figure things out by herself. She really wants to fix things but she's become numb to the situation, so she needs to do what is best for her. I feel like there isn't much to say it's just a really beautiful song.
Anything But Ordinary is another of my favourites. This song starts with guitars and synths before fading to drums and guitar, to show her vocals. Again another song I don't think I would understand as a child. I feel like there is a lot of existentialism in this piece, in a way. The song really states that she wants to live her life to the fullest and be what she wants to be, because is it enough just living, 'I'd rather be anything than ordinary please'. I love how the beat feels a lot happier when she is talking about all the things she wants to do and experience. I think it's a really unique, although simple, thing to add to the song to show that little bit of hope. Even though she is complaining she sounds happy talking about her dreams, as most of us do.
Things I'll Never Say. Another happy song! and i'm going to say it again.... I love it!! The lyrics to me talk about wanting to impress someone you love, 'i'm searching for the words [...] trying to be perfect' she is trying so hard not to mess up. Though this changes when they are trying to find out what's going on in her mind. Then the chorus is everything she wants to say but can't, 'I want to be with you everyday, Marry me today'. It's a really sweet song, it makes me want to dance. Then in the end she says all the things she wants to say to them. 'wishing my life away, with these things i'll never say' I love how it fades out with those lyrics, as it feels like it is reacting to the lyrics.
My world, is another up beat song. This song related to me as a kid because I was always daydreaming, I also loved having loads of braids in my hair. I feel the childhood fun in this song, it makes things seem fun and like it's okay to daydream and have our own little worlds. The song just feels really fun. She talks about her youth and how she earned her way before music and how she now wonders 'where I belong forever'. She talks about how she's deeper than people see because she can't say what she wants. 'When you're on your own in the land of forever', is one of my favourite lyrics, she is so caught up in her imagination that she feels like she's always there. I like how in the chorus she is defending herself against people, because she wants to stay in her 'world'.
Nobody's Fool, reminds me a lot of TLC. It has that Hip-Hop vibe with in it. She really is versatile, and I think that's why this is my favourite album. It's very much like TLC's Unpretty, saying how you should love yourself and be who you are inside. 'If you're trying to turn me in to someone else, it's clear to see i'm not down with that' is a line I should use when people tell me to wear colour to be honest. I think this song can relate to a lot of people's lives. The instruments as usual are mainly guitars and drums. 'If you want to bring me down, go a head and try' is such a powerful lyric, it reminds me of a poem I saw today which said 'no human is strong enough to pull up my roots' Michael Trevor.
Too Much to Ask, is a sadder song again. The song is saying to me, that she is trying her best to help her partner and hopes that they become a better person. Though she's done all of this she ends up on her own, even though she is waiting for him, 'It won't be too late when the smoke clears, because i'm still here'. She really wants to make her partner happy, 'every time I try to make you smile' it shows that she just wants to help, but she feels like she's asking 'Too much'.
The last song on the album. I am sad to leave these songs behind haha, this song is called Naked. It starts off very sadly but it starts to lift and feel lighter. She felt like she needed to hide and felt afraid to be herself but then she finds someone who sees 'right through' her. She feels 'Naked' around them and to her 'it feels so right', she can finally feel comfortable in her own skin and she doesn't need to hide anymore. Then the song slows before fading.
I was shocked because Rock'n'Roll started playing haha. Overall I think Avril has really good music, there are a lot of powerful messages in her music. I am a little biased as she is a role model of mine. I would love to hear who your childhood hero's are and why. Thanks again for reading x