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Imitation Rain - SixTONES


I don't think I have written about any Japanese Boy bands yet. This is one of the groups I stumbled across recently. I fell in love with this song, it feels like it should be played during the breakup scene in an anime, as it's raining heavily on the protagonists.

The song starts with a beautiful piano instrumental before the Jesse says 'Imitation Rain' which cues the percussion and guitars. The accompaniment is rather quiet, focusing a lot on the vocals of the group. The instruments also seem to become more electronic sounding when they are singing, which I found a little odd. In a way, as much as I love the song, I wish that they had more of the piano in it because those parts are stunning. The piano can also be heard under much of the electronic components. So I feel like I would appreciate it even more if I could listen to those elements. The only other thing I want to say is that I wish they had changed the rap a little bit as it felt a little out of place. Juri is a great rapper, but I felt like the tone suddenly changed within the song. It has a beautiful message in them, but the theme overshadows that. However, this might just be me, and other people might like that change in mood. I think I also love this song so much as it reminds me a bit of 90s boy bands when they would have a really emotional song.

Right now to the lyrics. The whole song makes me think of a breakup, but the person is trying to make the relationship work again. The song starts with 'You said " I will be the sky, and you will be the sun to shine"' giving the listener the feeling that a promise has been broken between the two individuals. The chorus says 'Imitation Rain 時には激しく 心に降り注ぐShall we play this game 紅に染まるまで 雨に打たれて' (Imitation rain At times it's a downpour, drenching my heart, Shall we play this game

And be drenched in the rain until we're painted crimson.' The chorus to me makes it sound like they're saying we have to go through this pain in together, explaining why their heart is in a downpour. This changes in the rap, however, as they are saying 'should I play this game'. Showing that the view has suddenly become more focused on the point of view of the band, perhaps indicating the healing process, it also talks about the pain and breakdown that the person is going through. Therefore the focus has shifted to oneself, where as it was previously focused on both people. This is backed up by the fact that the lyrics become more positive after the rap. '戻れない 時代(とき)を振り返る 流れる時間を止めて My friend いつかはたどり着くよ 夢の世界に' (Looking back to a past I can't return to, Stopping the flow of time My friend, one day we'll reach it To a world of dreams). This to me suggests that we shouldn't focus on something we can't return to and we should continue to move forward in our lives, so we can reach our dreams. We can't be held back by pain if we don't allow it. I think this is a beautiful message, we can all decide whether to make a change or not.

Thank you for reading, I really hope you enjoyed this piece. I also hope it introduced some of you to a new group. I still need to listen to more of their music, but I love this so much, I couldn't wait x


Lyrics translation:


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