This is an oldie but a goody. I remember this song being on Scuzz and Kerrang! when I was a kid. I loved pop-punk when I was little and I love venturing back to those times.
'I wish that I could make her see, she's just the Flavor of the weak' I can't tell you how hard i'm finding it to type Flavour without a u. I have started this post with that line because for a long time I forgot about this song, but this line forever stuck in my mind. It was embedded into the deepest darkest corner that held all of my emo memories. Probably because I am now always 'connected to the sound', this made me take a trip down memory lane and about 4 years ago I rediscovered this song and I will not let it disappear again haha.
Okay we are going back in time to 2001. I was 4 at the time. Wow.... time really flies. Okay i'm back. The song does not hesitate in giving you the feeling of the song. Thrown straight into the deep end. The song starts with guitar and drums before bringing in the vocals of Drew. The song feels angry but also positive. It's just got this beat that makes you want to jump around and tell everyone this isn't a phase. There is an instrumental, before quieting the instruments to bring more focus onto Drew's voice, I really like this technique because it allows you to feel closer to the singer.
The lyrics, like most pop-punk, angry but has a positive message in it. The song to me is a really important message and to be honest a message that has stuck with me since I heard it. I feel that the message of the song is to not change for someone because they like the idea of other people better, 'He has poster on the wall of all the girls he wished she was'. Also just because you love someone doesn't mean they can walk all over you, this is where the chorus hits. It always felt strange that she would 'wash her hair, his dirty clothes, are all he gives to her', she is putting in so much effort, but he is treating her like a maid. It always made me think how could someone be so blinded by love. The line 'I wish I could make her see she's just the flavor of the weak', makes it sound like the singer loves her and wants to tell her that he would treat her better than her boyfriend, who doesn't 'know anything about her'. As I said, this message stuck with me. As a kid I definitely tried to fit in, but eventually I just wanted to be me. I once had a guy try to be my friend, only to find out he wanted me to change religions. Obviously I didn't, we are all unique and should be who we want to be, whether friends, love interests etc. try to change us, we need to remember what makes us happy.
I really love this music and I love feeling nostalgic about songs, music can really transport you to another time. I really hope you enjoyed this piece because I really enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading x
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