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Black Lakes


Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. I am here today to talk about a band that I don't think many of you will have heard of, but I really recommend them. Today we are talking about Black Lakes. Black Lakes are a Metal band coming from South Wales and the South West of England.

Now on to the songs. I firstly want to talk about Ghosts [Of Our Memories] which for some reason gives me Love Like Winter by AFI vibes. I really don't know why that comes to mind when listening to this, because the music is nothing like that song. Personally, I think this song is really catchy, I find myself singing it quite often. I love the changes of tempo within this song, slowing at times and speeding up at others, it almost makes the song feel like there is an urgency to it. There is a lot of emotion felt within this song, it feels quite heavy with the guitars. But the vocals show the soul within that weight. I don't know if that makes sense, so I will try to explain. I feel like there is often a shadow of darkness over showing emotions, a lot of people, including myself, try to keep our feelings to ourselves. This, to me, is the music. Though we all still have emotions hiding inside of us, no matter how hard we try to protect them, they need to come out. This would be the vocals. If you've read my posts before you will know how much I talk about the soul in the voice. Music, to me, has always been a way of expressing emotions when there is no other way to do so. This song really shows that in many ways. This song is quite haunting in a way, fitting perfectly with the title. This song makes me think about when you hold onto someone from the past. Perhaps you have lost this person in some way, yet you still hold onto them in some way: In this case in memories. Yet there is also the need to escape these ghosts within the song. 'The need to be whole again [consuming all that is me] Drown these ghosts from my memories'. I want you to experience this song fully, so I shall not say too much.

Now I want to talk about their most recent song, Break The Silence. I like that the first lyrics are 'I just want to forgive', 'I just want to forget' it gives a sense of what the song is going to be about. Some elements within the song remind me of HIM's songs. I feel there is a lot of ebbs and flow in this song, making me think that the choice of waves for the lyric video is perfect. To me, this song speaks about how we can get so caught up in a situation, that we find it hard to move away from it. Losing yourself in the process of the situation. For example, many of you know of my recent situation, I was reminded of it in the song. Within this situation, I felt like I couldn't let go of it, and when I finally did, I felt like I didn't know who I was or what I liked. Emotions are an essential thing, they rule many of us. However, we can get so caught up in them we can forget other things. This is the feeling I get from this song. 'Stranded as our time runs out, to save us from ourselves'. People often say we are our own worst enemy, and in many cases, that is true.

It could also be about mental health. When I heard the line ' a pervasive sense of detachment, sets in when you're alone'. I think I have mentioned this before, I don't really have an issue with being alone. But, I know many people who can't stand it, and it is incredibly detrimental to their health. It can often cause a disassociation for that person and the world. Making many search for something else, perhaps ' somewhere to call home.' This thinking can also make us think that everything is all over for us. We make mistakes, sometimes we make bad choices. Yet, this song reminds us that it is never too late to make a change. So you made a mistake, you still have a chance to fix things or move forward and change your fate.

In my opinion, these songs can mean different things to different people. So you are better off checking out their music yourself. I would love to know your meaning behind the songs.

As always, I love you all. Thank you so much for reading. I would love if you checked out Black Lakes (link to them down below). I would also love if you could share my work, it doesn't cost a thing, but it would help me a lot. I also want to say a big thank you to Will, he reached out to me and asked if I would listen to his band, and I am so glad he did. Thank you x


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