Hello everyone, this is an album that was requested by the lovely Kiran. I am going to be talking about 3 of our favourite songs from the album and I really hope you enjoy it. Just before I get into the piece I just thought I would say EXO CBX is a sub-unit of EXO containing Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin.
Okay the first song I want to talk about is Blooming Day. This song definitely seems to use electronic instruments rather than actual instruments. I really like how this song sounds, it does sound like it should be played in a club, as the beat makes you want to dance, it is also rather quickly paced. This song is very clearly a love song from 'can I be your boyfriend can I?', the lyrics feel as smooth as the song, it reminds me a little bit of SHINee's Your Number. Which makes sense as they are under the same entertainment company. It is just a really upbeat love song that makes you want to dance.
Next is Vroom, Vroom. Again like the song before, definitely has an electronic, club feel to it. The synths have a lot heavier of a presence in this song too. The chorus is really catchy and makes you sing a long. I would say this song has a lot more of a Hip-Hop influence in it. It feels like a song you would listen to whilst you are getting ready before going out with your friends. I can definitely see it playing in one of those scenes in movies. Especially as the lyrics talk about movie scenes, and sleepless nights. It sounds like you're going on a fun night out with your friends.
Lastly is Sweet dreams. It is much like the others but it is a lot slower paced. This song is more about the first stages of love. Wanting to impress the person, wondering if they feel the same. Sleepless nights wondering if it's mutual. They sing about how wonderful the feeling is to just think about the person, wanting to see them all the time. I love how the pace of the music becomes faster towards the chorus, it is almost as if they are getting energy from the idea of seeing this person. It is a super up beat song, again definitely one to dance too.
Thank you as always for reading, it really means a lot to be. I would be super grateful if you would be willing to share my work. Thank you again x