So i'm not really the type who would open up online, but since people like my blog I would like to give a little explanation as to what's going on and why i'm finding it hard to write at the moment.
So recently I had a falling out with a friend, to the point where I had to tell him I didn't want to be friends with him anymore. That was a really hard decision, but I knew that a friend shouldn't make you feel horrible. I know that he is probably a good person deep down and is going through his own stuff but I don't want to be a doormat anymore. It was affecting me pretty badly and even afterwards I was feeling horrible. I remember breaking down and asking my parents if I was a horrible person. In which they replied saying that I had just learnt to stand up for myself. I have so many friends that would not make me feel like that, and many that care about my well being.
So that's what's been going on. I have mainly been watching movies i've always wanted to. Playing animal crossing, I will be restarting my YouTube channel soon, when I do I shall leave a link. I managed to finish a couple other projects too which is fun. Just been trying to keep my mind off everything for a while, but also not put pressure on myself, which I tend to do with these posts haha. I shall hopefully be back writing soon, I just need a little bit of self care, in fact I might have a no phone day today, and see what I can do. I am slowly getting there, my mental health is definitely in a much better place since my decision. But I still need to let my body heal from all the stress.
Thank you for understanding, I hope you will stick around x